We are so excited to announce that we are getting ready to launch our Blacktown Campus!
This first revival night on October 13th will be a great chance to pray, preach the gospel, meet some folk from the area, and dedicate the upcoming plant to the Lord. Do you have any friends who live out west who are looking for a church, or curious about God? Why not bring them along.
There will be a second Revival Night on Saturday 10th November, 7pm and the plan is for Sundays at 10am to start on November 24th.
We see the campuses as being part of one church, however we need many campuses to effectively reach this city. If you are part of the Chatswood campus now, we encourage you to adopt this new plant as an extension of the family and hope you enjoy the new friendships and relationships that you'll discover as we connect together for larger events like encounters, conferences, and camps.
Please pray for the launch. If you'd like to come support by volunteering to help at the Revival Nights or with the campus then please let us know by emailing Rosi at sydney@catchthefire.com.
If you'd like to sow into the plant then please label your giving as "Blacktown".
Thanks for partnering with us!